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You Only Live Twice (James Bond #12)

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Title:You Only Live Twice (James Bond #12)
Fleming, Ian   
(24 of 24 for author by title)
Where Shall John Go? XIII--Jamaica [Horizon, December 1947, Vol. XVI, No. 96]
Published:   1964
Tags:adventure, Asia, fiction, James Bond (Fictional character), intelligence service, spy stories, film/TV adaptation

The story starts eight months after the murder of Tracy Bond, which occurred at the end of the previous novel, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. James Bond is drinking and gambling heavily and making mistakes on his assignments when, as a last resort, he is sent to Japan on a semi-diplomatic mission. Whilst there he is challenged by the Head of the Japanese Secret Service to kill Dr. Guntram Shatterhand. Bond realises that Shatterhand is Ernst Stavro Blofeld and sets out on a revenge mission to kill him and his wife, Irma Bunt. The novel deals on a personal level with the change in Bond from a depressed man in mourning, to a man of action bent on revenge, to an amnesiac living as a Japanese fisherman. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:161 Info

Author Bio for Fleming, Ian

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Ian Fleming (1908–1964) journalist and writer of the famous James Bond series of thrilling spy novels. Educated at Eton and Sandhurst, he went on to become a journalist for Reuters news agency. He also managed a line of foreign newspapers for the Kemsley publishing company. He wrote his first novel, Casino Royale in 1953 which introduced the dashing and romantic spy, James Bond, 007. He continued writing over a dozen Bond novels and short stories and the complete series is available here on Faded Page. (Oxford Companion to English Literature)

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