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Partner in Three Worlds

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Book Details

Title:Partner in Three Worlds
Duncan, Dorothy   
Published:   1944
Publisher:Harper & Brothers
Tags:biography, Canadiana, Governor General's Literary Award, non-fiction, war, World War II, World War I

The biography of a Czechoslovakian who succeeded in three different worlds,—Prague and a childhood of destitution, gave Jan Rieger a start in life that led to the unlikely advance during World War I to officer rating in the Austro-Hungarian Imperial Army. Next—with the newly won freedom of his country after the Armistice, Jan became head of a successful crystal and porcelain industry. Finally—when the war broke out, he stayed to build a third life as a chicken farmer in Pennsylvania, until he volunteered for the Canadian Army. Portrait of a chameleon, a man of determination and ability, reflecting in his own life, the changing patterns of world history.—Kirkus Review.

Awarded 1944 Governor General's Literary Award. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:276 Info

Author Bio for Duncan, Dorothy

Dorothy Duncan (1903-1957) was an American born Canadian writer. She tried her hand at a number of careers including advertising and running a small business. She spent her summers travelling and returning from Europe in 1932 she met her future husband, Hugh MacLennan. They married in 1936 and relocated to Montreal. Duncan excelled at writing non-fiction and wrote a popular travelogue called "Here's to Canada". She also wrote a biography of Roger Ritter, a Czech Canadian, "Partner in Three Worlds". The book won the Governor General's Award for non-fiction in 1944. (Canada's Early Women Writers)

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