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Forbidden Area

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Book Details

Title:Forbidden Area
Frank, Harry Hart  Writing under the pseudonym: Frank, Pat   
(3 of 5 for author by title)
Hold Back the Night
Alas, Babylon
Published:   1956
Publisher:J. B. Lippincott Company
Tags:fiction, thriller, film/TV adaptation

Forbidden Area is a tingling novel which deals with the near future: the atomic age pushed to its limits of insanity. Major Jesse Price is a flyer whose loss of an eye during the Korean War has grounded him. Too valuable to be released, he is made the Air Force representative to The Intentions of the Enemy Group, a top secret high level organization which is trying to keep a step ahead of enemy thinking. Major Price’s adventures combine with those of the beautiful Katharine Hume of AEC. Together they find they must battle the terrifying indifference of the American public to news of its own impending destruction.—Goodreads. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:192 Info

Author Bio for Frank, Harry Hart

Author Image

Pat Frank, né Harry Hart Frank, (May 5, 1908—October 12, 1964) was an American writer, newspaperman, and government consultant. He is best-known for his 1959 post-apocalyptic novel Alas Babylon. He began writing as a journalist and worked for the Office of War Information as a correspondent in Italy, Austria, Germany and Turkey in WWII.

Most of his fiction writing dealt with post-apocalyptic, nuclear aftermath, and war themes: Mr. Adam, Forbidden Area, and Hold Back the Night in addition to Alas Babylon. In non-fiction, Frank wrote How to Survive the H Bomb and Why, Rendezvous at Midway; U.S.S. Yorktown and the Japanese Fleet, and an autobiographical The Long Way Around which influenced his Korean War book Hold Back the Night.

His fiction provided the basis for 2 feature films, "Hold Back the Night", and "Man's Favorite Sport?" (based on Frank's short story "The Girl Who Almost Got Away"); and 2 episodes on Playhouse 90 featuring Alas, Babylon and Forbidden Area with Charlton Heston.


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