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The 48th Highlanders of Toronto

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Book Details

Title:The 48th Highlanders of Toronto
Fraser, Alexander   
(1 of 7 for author by title)
Brock Centenary (1812-1912)
Published:   1900
Publisher:E. L. Ruddy
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, history, military, non-fiction, Ontario, Toronto

The origin and history of this Regiment, and a short account of the Highland Regiments from time to time stationed in Canada. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:117 Info

Author Bio for Fraser, Alexander

Fraser came to Canada on the recommendation of Sir Charles Tupper, to take up a position on the editorial staff of the Toronto Mail (later the Toronto Mail and Empire). He also served as editor of the Scottish Canadian, Massey's Illustrated, Presbyterian Review, and Fraser's Scottish Annual. The Honourable Senator Charles-Philippe Beaubien (1870—1949), Conservative, Senator from 1915 to 1949, Senatorial Division Montarville, Quebec. Appointed by R.L. Borden. Alexander Fraser organized the Gaelic Society of Canada in 1887; was its first Secretary, for many years its President. He was a key organizer of the 48th Highlanders of Toronto in 1891; the revival of Clan Fraser Society in 1894; and the Toronto Historical Society, of which he was President. He served as President of the Sons of Scotland Benevolent Association for 12 years and as President of St. Andrew's Society of Toronto. He assisted in placing 426 families from the Highlands on Canadian Free Homesteads without cost to country or to settlers.

Colonel Fraser became the first Archivist of Ontario in 1903 and continued in that position until his retirement in 1935. He served as Honorary ADC to the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario from 1914 through 1932 and was an Honorary Lieutenant-Colonel of the 127th York Rangers. He was one of the charter members of the Empire Club, a Past Master of St. John's Lodge, A.F. and A.M. and later an officer of the Grand Lodge. He was a notary public, a justice of the peace, and special representative for the Province of Ontario at the International Exposition at Havana, Cuba in 1924.

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