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Jane of Lantern Hill

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942)

Book Details

Title:Jane of Lantern Hill
Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud)   
(67 of 149 for author by title)
Janet’s Rebellion
Is This My Anne?
Published:   1937
Publisher:McClelland and Stewart Limited
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, juvenile, film/TV adaptation

Jane Victoria Stuart is eleven years old, and for eight of those years, the years she can remember, she has lived in a huge mansion in Toronto with her extremely wealthy, emotionally frigid grandmother and her delicately beautiful, weak-willed mother. As far as she knows her father is dead. He is never mentioned, except in snidely allusive references by her grandmother to “Victoria’s” tainted ancestry as demonstrated by her “low” tastes – a desire to cook and fraternize with the housekeeper in the warmly cozy kitchen, and a friendship with the young maid-of-all-work in the boarding house next door.

Imagine Jane’s dismay when a letter comes soon after from Prince Edward Island, requesting Jane’s presence at her father’s summer residence over the summer holidays. With great trepidation Jane sets off into the unknown and greatly dreaded wider world. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:189 Info

Author Bio for Montgomery, L. M. (Lucy Maud)

Author Image

Lucy Maud Montgomery is perhaps best known as the author of the Anne of Green Gables series. Anne, an 11 year old girl, the hero of a girls novel has become a worldwide bestseller, from Canada to Japan, for children to adults. Tourism based on Anne is an important part of Prince Edward Island's economy!

Information on L. M. Montgomery has practically become an industry on its own: multiple volumes of her Journals, her letters, and many works on Anne, and the author have been published. Many organizations to celebrate her works, have their own websites. Little known to most, LMM published many short works in many different magazines; many of these works have never been collected. Here at fadedpage.com, we are working on making these works available.

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