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Peyton Place

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Book Details

Title:Peyton Place
Metalious, Grace   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
The Tight White Collar
Published:   1956
Publisher:Julian Messner, Inc.
Tags:fiction, New England, U.S.A., film/TV adaptation

Three women are forced to come to terms with their identity, both as women and as sexual beings, in a small, conservative, gossipy New England town, with recurring themes of hypocrisy, social inequities and class privilege in a tale that includes incest, abortion, adultery, lust and murder. It sold 60,000 copies within the first ten days of its release and remained on the New York Times best seller list for 59 weeks. The novel spawned a franchise that would eventually run through four decades. Twentieth Century-Fox adapted it as a major motion picture in 1957, and Metalious wrote a follow-up novel that was published in 1959, called Return to Peyton Place, which was also filmed in 1961 using the same title. The original 1956 novel was adapted again in 1964, in what became a wildly successful prime time television series for 20th Century Fox Television that ran until 1969. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:363 Info

Author Bio for Metalious, Grace

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Grace Metalious (born Marie Grace DeRepentigny, September 8, 1924—February 25, 1964) was an American author, best known for her controversial novel Peyton Place, which stayed on The New York Times bestseller list for 59 weeks. It sold 20 million copies in hardcover and another 12 million as a Dell paperback.

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