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Buchan, Anna Masterton  Writing under the pseudonym: Douglas, O.   
(6 of 9 for author by title)
The Proper Place
Pink Sugar
Published:   1932
Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton
Tags:fiction, historical

Priorsford is a sequel to Penny Plain. It was published ten years after Penny Plain and the story has moved on just about the same amount of time. Jean now has three children and is living in England at her husband’s estate. It’s years since she has been to visit the folks back in Priorsford (Peebles) in Scotland so when her husband has to go away for the winter with a friend who is very ill, she takes the chance to move her family back to where she grew up so that she can catch up with all her old friends and neighbours. Mrs. Duff Whalley thinks the worst, of course, as that type always does.

This is an enjoyable comfort read but there are plenty of mentions of the hard times which so many people were experiencing in the 1930s. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:192 Info

Author Bio for Buchan, Anna Masterton

Author Image

Born Anna Masterton Buchan, younger sister to the statesman & prolific novelist John Buchan. She began writing in 1911, and published 12 novels and a personal memoir of her brother before her death. Her novels are humorous domestic fiction, focusing on the lives of families in Scotland. Her autobiography was published posthumously, in 1960.

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