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Little Hearts

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Book Details

Title:Little Hearts
Pickthall, Marjorie Lowry Christie   
(3 of 7 for author by title)
Angels’ Shoes and other stories
Published:   1926
Publisher:McClelland & Stewart Limited
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, historical
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:166 Info

Author Bio for Pickthall, Marjorie Lowry Christie

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Marjorie Pickthall (1883-1922) was a Canadian poet and novelist. She was born in England but her family emigrated to Canada when she was six. Educated at St. Mildred's Girls School and Bishop Strachan School for Girls, her parents encouraged her reading and writing and musical talents. She published her first story, "Two Ears", at the age of 15 in the Toronto Globe and also wrote stories for the Mail and Empire. In 1910, she took the death of her mother particularly hard and she needed the help of poet friend Helena Coleman to get her back on her feet with a job as librarian at Victoria College. Over the next eight years she journeyed to England and then eventually to British Columbia where she settled on Vancouver Island. During her travels and sojourns in England and B.C. she continued to write both poems and novels. She died of a blood clot following surgery to correct health problems which she suffered throughout her life. (Simon Fraser University: Canada's Early Women Writers, Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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