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The Victors; a romance of yesterday morning & this afternoon

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Title:The Victors; a romance of yesterday morning & this afternoon
Barr, Robert   
(8 of 9 for author by title)
Young Lord Stranleigh
Tekla; a romance of love and war
Published:   1901
Publisher:Frederick A. Stokes Company
Tags:Canadiana, fiction, romance

The Victors begins near Ann Arbor where two would-be students, peddling merchandise in the rural area, encounter a scoundrelly man. All three become involved in a local election concerning a proposed drainage ditch, then they go on to New York where they enter the political scene.

—Michigan in Literature, Clarence A. Andrews [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:449 Info

Author Bio for Barr, Robert

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Robert Barr (1850-1912) was a Canadian writer. Born in Scotland, he was brought to Canada with his family at the age of four. They eventually settled in Windsor, Ontario. Barr began his career teaching but soon migrated to the Detroit Free Press where he worked as a reporter. In 1881, he moved to London, England to establish a weekly edition of the DFP. Whilst there he co-founded with Jerome K. Jerome a magazine for men called The Idler. Barr wrote several novels mostly based on crime detective themes which were popular in the late 19th century. Some notable books include The Measure of a Rule (available here at Faded Page), a coming of age story which contains some penetrating insight into the social realities of boarding school life in Toronto. (Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature)

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