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Bulldog Drummond's Third Round (Bulldog Drummond #3)

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This book is a member of the special collection Special Collection: The Works of Herman Cyril McNeile, MC (Sapper), (1888 – 1937)

Book Details

Title:Bulldog Drummond's Third Round (Bulldog Drummond #3)
McNeile, Herman Cyril  Writing under the pseudonym: "Sapper"   
(5 of 19 for author by title)
The Dinner Club
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back [Knock-out] (Bulldog Drummond #8)
Published:   1924
Publisher:Hodder & Stoughton
Tags:Bulldog Drummond (Fictional character), fiction, mystery

The death of Professor Goodman is officially recorded as a tragic accident, but at the inquest, no mention is made of his latest discovery – a miraculous new formula for manufacturing flawless diamonds at negligible cost, which strikes Captain Hugh ‘Bulldog’ Drummond as rather strange. His suspicions are further aroused when he spots a member of the Metropolitan Diamond Syndicate at the inquest. Gradually, he untangles a sinister plot of greed and murder, which climaxes in a dramatic motorboat chase at Cowes and brings him face to face with his archenemy. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:169 Info

Author Bio for McNeile, Herman Cyril

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Herman Cyril McNeile, MC (28 September 1888--14 August 1937), commonly known as Cyril McNeile and publishing under the name H. C. McNeile or the pseudonym "Sapper", was a British soldier and author. Drawing on his experiences in the trenches during the First World War, he started writing short stories and getting them published in the Daily Mail. As serving officers in the British Army were not permitted to publish under their own names, he was given the pen name "Sapper" by Lord Northcliffe, the owner of the Daily Mail; the nickname was based on that of his corps, the Royal Engineers.

After the war McNeile left the army and continued writing, although he changed from war stories to thrillers. In 1920 he published Bulldog Drummond, whose eponymous hero became his best-known creation. The character was based on McNeile himself, on his friend Gerard Fairlie and on English gentlemen generally. McNeile wrote ten Bulldog Drummond novels, as well as three plays and a screenplay.

McNeile interspersed his Drummond work with other novels and story collections that included two characters who appeared as protagonists in their own works, Jim Maitland and Ronald Standish. He was one of the most successful British popular authors of the inter-war period before his death in 1937 from throat cancer, which has been attributed to damage sustained from a gas attack in the war.

McNeile's stories are either directly about the war, or contain people whose lives have been shaped by it. His thrillers are a continuation of his war stories, with upper class Englishmen defending England from foreigners plotting against it. Although he was seen at the time as "simply an upstanding Tory who spoke for many of his countrymen", after the Second World War his work was criticised as having fascist overtones, while also displaying the xenophobia and anti-semitism apparent in some other writers of the period.--Wikipedia.

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