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The Runagates Club

Book Details

Title:The Runagates Club
Buchan, John   
(52 of 60 for author by title)
Salute to Adventurers
A Prince of the Captivity
Published:   1928
Publisher:Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd.
Tags:adventure, fiction, short stories

Twelve stories told at the monthly meetings of a (fictional) London dining club, whose members included some famous figures from Buchan's novels, such as Richard Hannay. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:114 Info

Author Bio for Buchan, John

Author Image

John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir GCMG GCVO CH PC (26 August 1875 – 11 February 1940) was a Scottish novelist, historian and Unionist politician who served as Governor General of Canada, the 15th since Canadian Confederation.

In 1910, Buchan wrote Prester John, the first of his adventure novels set in South Africa, and the following year he suffered from duodenal ulcers, a condition that later afflicted one of his fictional characters. At the same time, Buchan ventured into the political arena, and was adopted as Unionist candidate in March 1911 for the Borders seat of Peebles and Selkirk; he supported free trade, women's suffrage, national insurance, and curtailing the powers of the House of Lords, though he did also oppose the welfare reforms of the Liberal Party, and what he considered to be the "class hatred" fostered by demagogic Liberals such as David Lloyd George. ...

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