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Over the Hills

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Title:Over the Hills
Farnol, John Jeffery   
(29 of 38 for author by title)
The Owl
Our Admirable Betty: A Romance
Published:   1930
Publisher:Sampson Low
Tags:fiction, novel, romance

Historical novel set in Scotland during the 1715 uprising against the newly arrived Hanoverian king, George I, the successor to the last Stuart monarch, Queen Anne.

"Ere long thy homespun shall be changed for laces and velvets and thy young eyes behold hate and grief, love and death." In these words Moll, the old witch, prophesied the future of Adam, the nineteen-year-old boy whose parentage was shrouded in mystery. A strange talisman which he wore about his neck was his only heritage, and he deplored his red hair and small stature. When Sir Hector Keith, finding him in the garb of a despised Jacobite, demanded that he assume the role of Lord Bellcastonborough, he was dismayed; he was struck dumb with amazement when that devilish officer of the king compelled him to marry the gloriously beautiful Barbara MacGregor. Thus in the stirring period of the Jacobite uprisings does Mr. Farnol set the stage for his newest tale. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:177 Info

Author Bio for Farnol, John Jeffery

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Jeffery Farnol (10 February 1878 – 9 August 1952) was a British writer since 1907 until his death, known for writing more than 40 romance novels, some formulaic and set in the Georgian Era or English Regency period, and swashbucklers, he with Georgette Heyer founded the Regency romantic genre.

He published his first romance novel My Lady Caprice in 1907. The success of his early novels led Farnol to become a professional writer. He produced around 40 novels and volumes of stories, and some non-fiction and children's books. His last book was completed by his second wife Phyllis.

Two of his early books, The Amateur Gentleman and The Broad Highway, have been issued in a version edited by romance novelist Barbara Cartland. The Amateur Gentleman was adapted for British film in 1920 and 1936, American film in 1926.--Wikipedia.

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