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South Riding

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Book Details

Title:South Riding
Holtby, Winifred   
Published:   1936
Tags:adventure, England, fiction, James Tait Black Memorial Prize, film/TV adaptation

The book is set in the fictional South Riding of Yorkshire: the inspiration being the East Riding rather than South Yorkshire; Holtby's mother, Alice, was the first alderwoman on the East Riding County Council. The leading characters are: Sarah Burton, an idealistic young headmistress; Robert Carne of Maythorpe Hall, tormented by his disastrous marriage; Joe Astell, a socialist fighting poverty; and Mrs Beddows, the first woman alderman of the district. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:320 Info

Author Bio for Holtby, Winifred

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Winifred Holtby (1898-1935) was an English novelist. Born in Yorkshire, she was a bright student at Queen Margaret's School in Scarborough. She progressed through to Somerville College in Oxford. She interrupted her studies to take on war duties with the Women's Auxiliary Army Corps. After the war she and a friend, Vera Brittain shared a flat in London from which they both launched literary careers. Her friendship with Brittain was one of the most important things in her life. She campaigned vigorously for feminist and pacifist causes which sometimes caused tension with her literary ambitions. Most of her fiction was set in the rural world of her youth. Her masterpiece, "South Riding" about local government affairs was published posthumously after her untimely death at age 37 from heart disease and kidney failure. (Oxford Guide to British Women Writers)

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