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Ghosts and Family Legends: a volume for Christmas

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Book Details

Title:Ghosts and Family Legends: a volume for Christmas
Crowe, Catherine Ann   
(1 of 2 for author by title)
The Night-Side of Nature; OR, Ghosts and Ghost-Seers
Published:   1859
Publisher:Thomas Cautley Newby
Tags:Christmas, fiction, ghosts, horror

"It happened," writes Mrs. Crowe, "that I spent the last winter in a large country mansion, in the north of England, where we had a succession of visitors, and all manner of amusements." Among these amusements were ghost stories... [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:90 Info

Author Bio for Crowe, Catherine Ann

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Catherine Crowe (1790-1876) was an English novelist and short story writer. Born in Kent, she lived most of her life in Edinburgh after her marriage in 1822 to Lieutenant-Colonel John Crowe. She was strong believer in women's education. In her novel "Lilly Dawson" (1847) she commented that men's education of six hours a day at Latin and Greek was better than six hours a day at worsted work and embroidery. She was sympathetic to the lives of working-class women, particularly sexual pressures. Some of her books have plots where women cross class boundaries. "Susan Hopley" is a romance about a servant who discovers her brother's murderer and also finds out the she is the daughter of a colonel.

She was fascinated by the occult. One of her best known books, "The Night Side of Nature" is a collection of haunted house stories and supernatural events. A book called "Spiritualism and the Age We Live In" (1854) precipitated a mental breakdown after which she wrote very little. She lived the rest of her life as an invalid and died as the age of 86. (The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers)

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