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Sketches in Canada, and rambles among the red men

Book Details

Title:Sketches in Canada, and rambles among the red men
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell   
(2 of 2 for author by title)
The Georgian Bay, An Account of Its Position, Inhabitants, Mineral Interests, Fish, Timber and Other Resources
Published:   1852
Publisher:Spottiswoodes and Shaw
Tags:Canada, Canadiana, history, non-fiction
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:147 Info

Author Bio for Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell

Author Image

Anna Brownell Jameson, née Murphy, (1794-1860) was an English art critic and writer. At age 15 she began working as a governess and for 15 years worked to support her family. In 1825 she married Robert Jameson but the marriage was unhappy and they separated four years later. An attempted reconciliation ten years later failed. By that time he had become Attorney General of Upper Canada. After the final separation in 1837 she wrote travel books, some of which chronicled her travel in Canada. She returned to London and began authoring books on art. Her magnum opus was a four volume series called Sacred and Legendary Art, which is her best known work. Her later writings were influenced by feminism which she became involved with in the 1850s. Her writing at that time emphasized the need for women to lead useful lives and also for them to have an opportunity to earn a living. (Oxford Guide to British Women Writers)

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