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Une Soirée à L'Olympia

Book Details

Title:Une Soirée à L'Olympia
Werth, Léon   
Published:   1927
Publisher:la Cité des Livres

Description chronologique par l’auteur d’une soirée à l’Olympia, théâtre de Paris. Il y décrit ses impressions tant de l’ouvreuse que des autres spectateurs de la salle, en passant par les artistes sur scène.

Chronological description by the author of an evening at the Olympia, a Paris theatre. In it, he describes his impressions of both the usher and the other spectators in the room, as well as the artists on stage. [Suggest a different description.]

Pages:14 Info

Author Bio for Werth, Léon

Author Image

Léon Werth (1878-1955) was a French novelist and art critic. Born in Eastern France of Jewish heritage, he was an exceptional student who studied at the Lycée Henri-IV in Paris. He left school and became an art critic for several magazines. He published his first novel "La Maison Blanche" in 1913. After a short stint serving in the army in World War I, he continued writing and published an anti-war novel "Calvel, Soldat" in 1919 which gave a realistic portrayal of trench warfare. He was a close friend of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, who dedicated "Le Petit Prince" (The Little Prince) to Werth. During the German invasion of France in 1940, he and his wife fled to a village in the Jura mountains. He wrote an eyewitness account which he gave to Exupery who smuggled it out of France, but it was lost and not recovered until 1992. It was later published as "33 Days". After the war he continued to contribute to magazines, in particular Liberté de l'Esprit. (librarything.com)

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