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Title: The Youth's Instructor (Issue 1 of 6)

Date of first publication: 1824

Author: anonymous

Date first posted: June 29, 2014

Date last updated: June 29, 2014

Faded Page eBook #20140618

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Book Cover

Youth’s Instructor.



An Epitome of Universal History, No. 1 6
Questions on Scripture Geography 11
Properties of Water 13
Eruptions of Mount Etna 17
The Fine Arts during the Reign of Geo. III 19
Pleasure arising from Books 21
Prevention of Injury from Lightning 22
Anecdotes—King George IV 23
Arithmetical Puzzles, &c. 24

Our most important are our earliest years.



Price 8d.


The communicated extract on Obedience will be given our next.



No. 1.]JANUARY, 1824.[Vol. 1.


Youth has been with great propriety called the spring time of human life. To that season of the year it is analogous in all its circumstances and aspects. Like a fertile field it is ready to produce according to the seed that is sown in it. The affections are like the pliant twigs ready to incline according to any given direction; and the understanding is, as it were, putting forth its buds, which proper cultivation will bring to maturity and enable to expand in blossoms and bear most perfect fruit.

Upon this analogy a strong argument may be founded in favour of the cultivation of Youth. Suppose the youthful mind to be neglected, and what is the consequence? An awful consequence, to which too ample testimony is afforded. A fertile field left unimproved produces nothing but useless weeds, nay more, it becomes the recipient and fosterer of every noxious seed which the winds may fortuitously lodge in its bosom. So it is with the uncultivated mind and unimproved affections. They retain their native rudeness, and, on account of their natural depravity, are easily susceptible of the baneful contagion of every bad example.


Whether we resort to the Sacred Writers or the Profane Authors of antiquity, we find an equal urgency in favour of Youth. Solomon, whose experience in the world was most extensive and whose wisdom was the large and immediate bestowment of God himself, has expressed himself so largely, so earnestly, and so pathetically, on this very subject in the book of Proverbs, as to make it appear that it was considered by him of infinite importance. Juvenal, a writer of great acuteness and knowledge of man, has this expression, “Maxima debetur pueris reverentia,” the greatest reverence is due to youth; that reverence, he meant, which leads to purity of action and expression in their presence; for immediately before, he says,

“Nil dictu fœdum visuque hæc limina tangat,
Intra quæ Puer est.”

Let nothing foul in speech or base in deed touch those gates, within which there is a Boy.

Juvenal is only one of a host of writers who agree upon this subject. The ancients in general did not contemplate this subject only as bearing upon the future interests of individual Youth, but more as connected with the general prosperity and honour of a nation. So strongly did they take this view of the subject, that they reckoned the Instructors of Youth the greatest benefactors of the state. “Quod munus” says Cicero “reipublicæ majus meliusve afferre possumus, quam si doceamus atque erudiamus juventutem?” What greater or better gift can we bestow upon the state than if we teach and instruct Youth?

Cherishing the above sentiments, the Editor presumes, that, in introducing the Youth’s Instructor to the Public, he is not intruding upon them an unwelcome guest. Hundreds there are who think[5] as he does on the infinite importance of the cultivation of Youth, and from them, at least, he promises himself, that the work will receive suitable encouragement.

Alexander Severus, who derived his name from the strictness of his life, made all his subjects welcome to his palace at the proper hours, but, at the same time, had a herald to proclaim these memorable words, “Let none enter these holy walls unless he is conscious of a pure and innocent mind.” Imitating him, the Editor, while he would invite contributions from all, desires to proclaim that nothing but what is pure and innocent will be patronized in the Youth’s Instructor. According to what has already been declared to the Public by advertisement, those articles only, whose direct tendency is to improve the taste, inform the understanding, and meliorate the heart, will receive admission. The Sciences and Philosophy will be explained and illustrated in the manner of Dialogue, so as to lead the youthful mind gradually and systematically into a knowledge of them. In this department of the work, the Science of Grammar, as constituting the basis of all improvement and progress in knowledge, will take the lead, and will be commenced in the next number. An outline of Universal History will be given in a series of articles, the first of which is in the present number. With regard to the remaining articles they will be Miscellaneous, consisting of selected and communicated pieces, followed in the rear by pleasing and instructive Anecdotes, Mathematical Questions, and one piece or two of select Poetry.

The original communicated articles will be marked with an asterisk before the signature, to distinguish them from those which are selected.


The following lines were sent to the Printer, with a desire that they should be appended to the Introduction, should they be found worthy of insertion. As the author appears to have the interest of Youth at heart, we have with pleasure complied with his request, after having made a few alterations for the sake of the versification—

Ye hopeful Young pray do attend,
And by this work you will amend;
Study with care its ev’ry page,
And if not dull you’ll become sage.
Your growing years do fast advance,
Therefore, don’t spend them in romance:
But ev’ry fruitful work embrace,
Which will your mental powers increase.
Its full design is for that cause,—
We hope ’twill merit due applause,
Be just what it pretends to be,
The Youth’s Instructor verily.


No. I.

What is History?

It is an authentic and connected narrative of the most important events, which have taken place among the various nations of the world.

What advantages attend the study of History?

It makes us well acquainted with human nature, opens up the springs of human action, and by the exhibition of virtuous and vicious character, allures us to imitate the former, and avoid, as a most deadly pestilence, the other. Besides teaching us virtue, it serves to form and strengthen the intellect, and opens to our view the great scene upon which we[7] are called to act. It multiplies the objects of our thoughts, and as it were forces us to the task of comparing them together and reducing them to order and arrangement.

In what respects are Geography and Chronology allied to History?

They are, as it were, the eyes of History. The former describes the situation of the places where the several events, recorded, took place, and the latter determines the times when they happened.

What is the principal and most comprehensive division of History?

Into Ancient and Modern.

What is Ancient History?

A narration of the events that preceded the nativity of Christ.

What is Modern History?

A narrative of the chief events which have happened since the birth of Christ. It more commonly dates from A. D. 467, when the Roman Empire in the West was terminated by the deposition of Augustulus.

Mention another important division of History?

Into Sacred and Profane.

What is Sacred History?

That narrative of events, commencing from the creation of the World, which is contained in the Bible, and is so called because it is assumed to be written under divine superintendence.

What is Profane History?

That which is contained in the other records of Ancient or Modern ages.

What is the difference between Sacred and Profane History?

Profane History details facts simply, but Sacred History combines them with the doctrine of Providence,[8] and demonstrates the events to be coincident with the purposes of an infinite mind.

What are the subdivisions of Sacred History?

1st. The Patriarchial, extending from Adam to Moses.

2d. The Mosaic, reaching from Moses to Jesus Christ.

3d. The Christian, commencing with the publication of the Gospel.

What are the subdivisions of Profane History?

1st. The obscure period, comprehending the time which elapsed between the Creation of the World and the origin of the Greek Mythology; or between the Creation and the Grecian Deluge in the reign of Ogyges of Athens. It received its name from the uncertainty of its accounts.

2d. The Fabulous period, extending from the Grecian Deluge to the Instituting of the Olympic Games.

3d. The Historical Period, reaching from the Instituting of the Olympic Games to the present time.

What is an Æra?

The precise point of time, or particular event, from which any course of years is reckoned.

What is an Epocha?

The duration between one remarkable event and another.

How many principal Epochas of Ancient History are there?


Mention them.

1st. From the Creation of the World to the Deluge, a period of 1665 years.

2d. From the Deluge to the calling of Abraham, 426 years.


3d. From the calling of Abraham to the departure of the Israelites from Egypt, 430 years.

4th. From the departure of the Israelites out of Egypt, to the building of Solomon’s Temple, 478 years.

5th. From the building of the Temple, to the year of Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire, 479 years.

6th. From the year of Cyrus, to the æra of the Greeks, or Seleucidæ, comprehending 224 years.

7th. From the æra of the Seleucidæ to the nativity of our Saviour, 312 years.

How many are the chief æras adopted by Historians for Ancient History?


Mention them.

1st. The taking of Troy by the Greeks. Concerning the true date of this æra, authors have never agreed. Some place it 1209 years before the nativity of Christ. According to Usher and some other writers, it was 1184 years; while Newton calculates it to have been only 904 years before Christ.

2d. The æra of the Olympiads, periods of four years, deriving their names from the games that were celebrated at Olympia in Greece, at the beginning of every fifth year. The date of this æra is before Christ 776 years.

3d. The building of Rome; according to Varro, 753 years before our Saviour’s birth; according to Newton and Hook, 627.

4th. The Nabonassarean or Babylonian æra, 747 years before Christ.

5th. The destruction of Jerusalem, of great note in the Jewish annals, 588 years before Christ.

6th. The battle of Arbela, in which Alexander gained a final victory over Darius and put an end to the Persian Empire, 331 years before Christ.


7th. The defeat of Perses or Perseus, the last Macedonian king, by Paulus Emilius, the Roman. This event preceded the nativity of Christ, 168 years.

8th. The Spanish æra, introduced soon after the death of Julius Cæsar, 38 years before the Christian epoch commenced.

9th. The battle of Actium, between Octavius Cæsar and Anthony, which rendered the former sole Master of the Roman power, 31 years before the birth of Christ.

What Empires are distinguished by Historians as the four great Empires of Antiquity?

The Assyrian, the Persian, the Grecian and the Roman.

Mention other Empires that were of equal, if not superior importance?

The Egyptian Empire, which was once of vast extent; and the Chinese Empire of very ancient origin and early civilization, and which still subsists.

What different Governments have been adopted among different Nations?

Monarchy, Oligarchy, Aristocracy and Democracy.

What is Monarchy?

Monarchy is that form of Government which intrusts the power to the hands of one person. It is called Limited when the person governs according to established Laws—Absolute, when the person governs according to his own will.

What is Oligarchy?

Oligarchy is that form of Government which invests a few of the most wealthy and powerful Citizens with the administration.

What is Aristocracy?

That form of Government which assigns the power to the Nobles.


What is Democracy?

That form which places the right of making laws in the people at large, but leaves the execution of those laws to Magistrates elected by them for that purpose.

Questions on Scripture Geography,

Abarim, Mountains.

Where are the Mountains of Abarim?

They are opposite Jericho, and separate the country of the Ammonites and Moabites from the land of Canaan.—Deut. XXXII, 49.

What Mounts form part of these Mountains?

Nebo and Pigah.—Deut. XXXII, 49 and XXXIV, 1.

Where is it said that the Israelites encamped on these Mountains?

In Numbers XXXIII, 47.

What is the number of this encampment?

The 41st, the last station but one of the Israelites, in their passage through the wilderness, before they took possession of Canaan, the promised land.

Who was it that God ordered to ascend to the top of these Mountains?

Moses, the Jewish Leader.—Deut. XXXII, 48, 49.

For what purpose was he ordered to ascend?

To behold the land of Canaan and die.—Deut. XXXII, 48, 49.

Abelbethmaachah, a City.

Where is Abelbethmaachah?

It is supposed to be a strong City belonging to the tribe of Naphtali.


Who was it that fled to this City from the troops of David and was beheaded?

Sheba the son of Bichri, a Benjamite. The cause of his flight was that he attempted to raise a rebellion after the death of Absalom and was pursued by Jacob.—II. Samuel, XX, 14-23.

By whom was this City taken and how long after that event?

By Benhadad, king of Syria, about 71 years after the said event.—I. Kings XV, 29, and compare the marginal chronology of that chapter, with that of II. Samuel XX.

How long after that, and by whom, was the City taken again?

About 180 years after, by Tiglath-Pileser, king of Assyria.—II. Kings XV, 29, and compare the marginal chronology of that chapter with that of I. Kings XV.

By what other name is this City called?

Abelmaim. Compare I. Kings XV, 20 with II. Chron. XVI, 4.

Abelmeholah, a City.

Where is Abelmeholah?

On the west side of Jordan. It belonged to the half tribe of Manasseh.

Who defended the Midianites near this City?

Gideon, the son of Joash, a Manassite, who had a very extraordinary call for the very purpose.—Judges VII.

Under the superintendence of which of Solomon’s twelve officers was this City placed?

Baana, the son of Ahilud.—I. Kings IV, 12.

Of what Prophet was this City the birth place?

Elisha, the son of Shaphat.—I. Kings XIX, 16.

Abelmisraim, a place.

Where is Abelmisraim?


Beyond Jordan and Jericho.—Gen. L, 20.

By what was this place rendered remarkable?

By the mourning and sore lamentation of Joseph and his brethren for their father Jacob.—Gen. L, 11.

What does the name signify?

It signifies the Mourning of the Egyptians. It was given to the place by the Canaanites who witnessed the lamentation that was made there at Jacob’s funeral.—Gen. L, 11, margin.

What was the place called before?

The threshing floor of Atad.—Gen. L, 10.

To be continued.


I propose to consider the subject of Water in two points of view: the first—its immense agency, in all periods of the world; the second—its chemical composition. And although I may not offer any thing novel upon the subject; yet I think I shall do a service to enquiring youth by concentrating the information I have been able to procure upon it for their instruction. And first, its general agency.—It is a principle pervading all nature’s works, both animate and inanimate; the general solvent in all her processes of composition and decomposition. It exists, in every variety of form, “from Indus to the Pole.” It flows with every gradation of velocity in the more genial climes; and forms, in its concrete shape, the eternal barriers of the Arctic regions. It is of the greatest utility to man, as his most salutary beverage; or, by bearing him on its bosom, as enabling him to pursue schemes of pleasure or profit in every part of this terraqueous globe; or to[14] publish the glad tidings of the Gospel of peace and the knowledge of the one true God to every nation under heaven; and thus aiding in the accomplishment of the divine promise that the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Its use is inculcated as a religious duty to some nations. It forms the sole beverage of the Gentoo; and its external use to the true Mahometan is no less rigidly enjoined by that arch-impostor, the founder of his faith. It was, in the hands of the living God, the agent with which he chose to punish the antediluvian world; and through its means he also hung his bow in the heavens, as a sign that he would not in that way again drown the guilty nations; forming, by the refraction of the sun’s rays through a watery medium, one of the grandest phenomena of nature, and, in the words of an elegant poet, one of the most enchanting sights we are capable of enjoying—

“————To view on high
The rainbow, bas’d on ocean, span the sky.”

It was also with water that our blessed Lord deigned to perform his first miracle in proof of his divine mission. In short, I might continue to eulogize this invaluable blessing beyond all moderate bounds; I will therefore only notice that, under some circumstances, its value cannot be estimated by gold; as in the tropical regions, or in crossing the great African deserts.

I proceed in the next place, to consider its chemical composition.—Water, strictly speaking, is not a simple, primary, elementary fluid; but is formed of two gases, oxygen and hydrogen, in the proportions of two volumes of hydrogen and one of oxygen gas. Thus, in chemical language, it is an oxyde of hydrogen, the only oxyde of that gas yet discovered.[15] Although noticed by others, this fact was, I believe, first distinctly ascertained by Mr. Cavendish, who discovered that, after the combustion of these gases in the proportion before named, there was always produced a quantity of water nearly equal in weight to the gases which had disappeared. This experiment has been so often repeated as to leave no doubt of the fact; and is daily being familiarly exemplified by the burning of gas-lights and the water formed by the process.

Water has also frequently been decomposed, so as by the experiment to leave its composition without doubt; which may be easily done, either by galvanism or by passing the steam of boiling water through a red hot iron tube, (as, for instance, through a gun-barrel,) over a stratum of ignited charcoal; when, if a candle be held to the opposite end of the tube, the hydrogen gas will burn with a vivid flame. It is also remarkable, that Professor Clarke, of Cambridge, has discovered, that hydrogen and oxygen gases burned together by his blow-pipe in the same proportions that form water, give the most destructive flame of any yet discovered, being able by their air, to fuse the hardest and most refractory minerals and metals; substances hitherto deemed by other means quite infusible. From this fact he deduces the most probable and plausible theory of Volcanoes; shewing, from well-known observation, the probability of their owing their destructive flame and effects to sea-water obtaining access to subterranean fires, becoming decomposed, adding, by the gas, to the force of the flame; and, by the expansion of the steam and airs, producing the well-known phenomena of earthquakes, and all the usual consequences of volcanic eruptions.

Water becomes ice when reduced to the temperature[16] of 32° of Fahrenheit’s thermometer; and boils in the open air at 212°; but in vacuo at 70°: while in Papin’s digester, where it is strongly and closely confined, it will nearly bear a red heat without boiling. At a high temperature it is converted into steam: and it is owing to a knowledge of its elasticity and expansive power while in the shape of steam, that steam-engines are formed; thus enlisting the very elements into the service, and rendering them subservient to the wants of man, and enabling him to achieve those wonders which science has brought to such perfection within the last century: for I consider the steam-engine, in its varied forms, as one of the highest achievements of mind over matter; its structure requiring such a combination of chemical and mechanical knowledge, and of nice calculations to balance the powers of its different component parts, that man may well rejoice in his triumph.

As I have just pointed out the expansion of water by heat, it will be right to notice that it also expands by cold.—This was first observed by the Florentine Academicians, and published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1670.—A glass ball terminating in a narrow neck was filled with water and plunged into a freezing mixture of snow and salt; the water suddenly started up into the neck, in consequence of the construction of the vessel, and slowly subsided again, as the cold affected it. After a certain interval it began to rise again, and continued to ascend slowly and equably, till some portion of it shot into ice, when it sprang up at once with the greatest velocity. The experiment was also varied about this time by filling a small cavity in an iron bomb-shell, and filling the aperture either with a plug of wood tightly driven in, or an iron screw nicely fitted; when,[17] such was the expansive power of the water at the freezing point, the bomb-shell was found burst. We have thus an instance of apparent contradiction—that water possesses a destructively expansive power under certain circumstances, at two widely opposite points of temperature.

I have thus shewn that water is known to chemists in four different states:—solid, or ice; fluid, or water; vapour, or steam; and, lastly, in a state of composition with other bodies. Three of these states I have already noticed, and, by way of familiar explanation of the last, shall observe, that it is contained in combination, in larger or smaller quantities, in all the neutral salts: this may be observed in the Sulphate of Soda, (Glauber Salts,) or the Sulphate of Magnesia, (Epsom Salts,) which deliquesce on exposure to heat, and lose in weight equal to the bulk of water contained in the compound.

Having thus noticed some of the principal properties of water, I shall take leave of the subject, strongly advising your readers to pursue it by their own reading; and, for this purpose, I would recommend Murray’s or Thomson’s Chemistry, or Parkes’s Chemical Catechism, to their perusal. They will thus, by contemplating these things, be “led from Nature up to Nature’s God;” and will add to their own stores of knowledge and useful scientific acquirements. I shall not regret thus employing a few leisure moments, should they afford

“One ray of light in this terrene abode,
To prove to man the goodness of his God.”
Select Magazine.


The eruptions of this celebrated mountain have[18] been various, and extend through a series of many centuries. Of these several interesting accounts have been transmitted. But of all its eruptions, that in 1669 was the most remarkable. It was attended, we are informed, with an earthquake, which, in an instant, overturned the town of Catania, though ten miles distant from the mountain, and buried no less than 18,000 persons in its ruins. The Earl of Winchelsea, who happened to be in Sicily at the time, informs us that, after the most violent internal struggle and shaking of the whole island, the lava at length burst forth in torrents, ascending, in the first instance, fifteen feet above the top of the opening, the flame at the same time rising as high as the loftiest steeple in England—that the lava, as it issued from the mountain, was poured along like melted iron—that it advanced into the sea six hundred yards, and was a mile in breadth—that in its course through the country it destroyed in forty days the habitations of 27,000 persons—that in its progress it met with a lake four miles in compass, and not only filled it up, though it was twenty-four fathoms deep, but raised it into a mountain—that solid burning rocks, five yards in diameter, were hurled to the distance of a mile, and many smaller ones upwards of three miles—that the sun did not appear for many weeks—that the day seemed to be turned into night—and that it was not till four months from the time it began to discharge its contents, that these dreadful symptoms abated.

It should be remarked, however, that though the eruptions are so dreadfully destructive for the time, yet they are frequently succeeded by showers of ashes, which speedily transform the beds of lava into an expanse of plenty, and the country resumes its former beauty and fertility.



A nation (says an elegant anonymous writer) may be considered great by its achievements in arms or in commerce: but can never be said to be truly polished, till it fosters the polite arts, the acquisition of which sinks every other merely human pursuit into comparative insignificance. They open a sixth sense upon every one who successfully cultivates them. The savage eats his food, and falls asleep: the man of mere wealth does little more; but, in those who seek pleasure in cultivating a taste for the fine arts, the pleasures of sense hold but a subordinate place.

The Reign of George the Third presents no event perhaps more worthy the notice of the historian, than the remarkable progress which was made during it in the fine arts. Before his majesty’s accession, we had no native artists of celebrity either in painting or in sculpture, Hogarth alone excepted in the former: and some writers have advanced it gravely as a fact, that the English climate is incapable of fostering or maturing genius. Many of the arts of life had advanced among us to a state of great perfection; our literature had reached a height, beyond which no age had passed: but painting, sculpture, and architecture, were suffered to be neglected. No sooner, however, did the august patronage of the sovereign manifest itself in behalf of those arts, than a general feeling for them ran through the kingdom. Every order of the state was forward to encourage them: and the impulse thus given to the arts produced[20] great artists, in the same manner as a revolution produces great statesmen and great generals.

The country which before had given encouragement to the lifeless productions of Kneller, Hudson, and Jarvis, in painting, to the deformities of Rysbrach and Scheemacher, in sculpture, and to the clumsy masses of Vanburgh, Gibbs, and Batty, in architecture, now saw, with the accession of a youthful sovereign, the beginning of an era that has matured to perfection a numerous band of artists.—The deformities of Rysbrach gave way to the tasteful and classical productions of Bacon and Nollekens: while the architectural absurdities of the olden time were supplanted by the chaste productions of two eminent Scotsmen, Adams and Stewart. In painting, we saw Reynolds rise eminently superior in portraits, while West chose for the exercise of his pencil the deeds of the heroes and the heroines of antiquity. Gainsborough delighted every eye by the sweetness of his landscapes, and Wright poured in the grandeur of his Mount Vesuvius: and genius thus kindled gradually extended, till it acquired its present distinguishing pre-eminence.

The grand lever by which this mighty change was effected, was the establishment, in 1769, of the Royal Academy, of which his majesty always rejoiced in being the founder. He presented the Academy with a magnificent suite of apartments in Somerset House; and ever after watched over its proceedings with the most paternal interest and anxiety.

The King’s love of the arts was displayed very early. A letter from a celebrated virtuoso and antiquary, dated Rome, October 16th, 1762, speaks of it in the following terms—“Nothing gives me more satisfaction than to find so many fine things purchased for the King of Great-Britain. He is now master[21] of the best collection of drawings in the world, having purchased two or three capital collections in this city; the last, belonging to Cardinal Albanis, for fourteen thousand crowns, consists of three thousand large volumes, one third of which are original drawings of the best masters; the others, collections of the most celebrated engravings. And lately, there has been purchased for his majesty all the museum of Mr. Smith, at Venice, consisting of his library, prints, drawings, designs, &c. I think it is highly probable that the arts and sciences will flourish in Great Britain, under the protection and encouragement of a monarch who is himself so excellent a judge of merit in the fine arts.”

Sir Joshua Reynolds was, at first, the King’s chief favourite among artists; but his patronage was subsequently transferred in a more particular manner to Mr. West, President of the Academy. Struck with the superior merits of an historical design by Mr. West, then a very young man, his majesty commissioned him to paint a composition for the royal collection; and, with that delicate consideration which unites the true gentleman with the patron, left the subject to the painter’s choice. The subject selected by Mr. West was that of Regulus resigning himself to the ambassadors of Carthage. The excellence of the picture, for which his majesty gave the artist one thousand guineas, is the best comment on the judgment of his royal employer.


At the head of all the pleasures which offer themselves to the man of education, (remarks an intelligent[22] modern writer,) may confidently be placed that derived from books: no other can stand in competition with it. Imagine that we had it in our power to call up the shades of the greatest and wisest men that ever existed, to converse with us on the most interesting topics.—What a privilege should we think it! how superior to all common enjoyments!—But, in a well-provided library, we in fact possess them. We can question Xenophon and Cæsar on their campaigns; make Demosthenes and Cicero plead before us; join in the audiences of Socrates and Plato; and receive demonstrations from Euclid and Newton. In books, we have the choicest thoughts of the ablest men in their best dress. We can, at pleasure, exclude dullness, and open our doors to good sense alone. Without books, I have been scarcely ever able to pass a day to my entire satisfaction: with them, no day has been so dark as not to have its pleasure. Even pain and sickness have for a time been charmed away by them.


Sir H. Davy, in his Lectures at the Royal Institution, recommended the following means of escaping the electric fluid during a thunderstorm. He observed, that, in countries where thunderstorms are frequent and violent, a walking-cane might be fitted with a steel or iron rod, to draw out at each end, one of which might be stuck into the ground, and the other elevated eight or nine feet above the surface. The person who apprehends danger should fix the cane, and lie down a few yards from it. By this simple apparatus, the lightning descends down the wire into the earth, and secures him from injury.



King George IV.

Nearly forty years ago, his present Majesty, then Prince of Wales, was so exceedingly urgent to have £800 to an hour, on such a day, and in so unusual a manner, that the gentleman who furnished the supply, had some curiosity to know for what purpose it was obtained. On enquiry, he was informed, that the moment the money arrived, the prince drew on a pair of boots, pulled off his coat and waistcoat, slipped on a plain morning frock, without a star, and turning his hair to the crown of his head, put on a slouched hat, and thus walked out. This intelligence raised still greater curiosity; and with some trouble the gentleman discovered the object of the prince’s mysterious visit.

An officer of the army had just arrived from America, with a wife and six children, in such distressed circumstances, that, to satisfy some clamorous creditor, he was on the point of selling his commission, to the utter ruin of his family. The prince by accident overheard an account of the case. To prevent a worthy soldier from suffering, he procured the money, and that no mistake might happen, carried it himself. On asking at an obscure lodging-house, in a court near Covent-Garden, for the lodger, he was shewn up to his room, and there found the family in the utmost distress. Moved at the sight, he not only generously presented to them the money, but told the officer where he might apply in case of future exigency.—He then took his leave, without the family having the least idea to whom they were obliged.



1. To a thousand add one, twice fifty and ten,
Six sevenths of a million this sum’s I’ll maintain.

2. It is required to express 100 by four 9’s.

3. If from six ye take nine, and from nine ye take ten,
(Ye Youths now the mystery explain:)
And if fifty from forty be taken, there then
Shall just half a dozen remain.



1. What part of 3d is 13 of 2d?

2. If the half of five be seven,
What part of nine will be eleven?

3. What is the difference in a commercial concern between doubling an expence and halving a profit?


One of those Bearded Strangers, called Comets, which in the days of superstition and astronomical ignorance, used to excite, by their appearance, the most alarming apprehensions of War, Pestilence and Famine, has been observed on our horizon for some days past. On the evening of the 24th inst. it appeared, surrounded by a Coma, close to that star of the fourth magnitude in Ursa Major marked 69 of Hevelius. On the evening of the 25th it was observed a little above that situation, having travelled towards Dubhe the first polar pointer in Ursa Major, in a direction nearly parallel with Alioth and Mizar of the same Constellation.

Saint John, N. B.
27th Jan. 1824.

Transcriber’s Notes

[The end of The Youth's Instructor (Issue 1 of 6) by anonymous]