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Looking for last minute holiday gifts and stocking stuffers? How about an e-book collection? One Faded Page volunteer put together the following book lists for their relatives overseas to send attached to their Holiday Card email:
Children: The Story of Peter Pan by J. Barrie; Tales from the Storyteller’s House by T. Burgess; The Green Fairy Book by H.J. Ford; The Christmas Book by E. Blyton
Girls: By the Light of the Study Lamp (Dana Girls) by H. Adams; The Secret of the Old Clock (Nancy Drew) by M. Benson; Worrals of the W.A.A.F. (Worrals) by W.E. Johns; The School at the Chalet (Chalet School) by E. Brent-Dyer
Boys: Tom Swift Circling the Globe (Tom Swift) by H. Garis; The House on the Cliff (Hardy Boys) by F. Dixon; Jerry Todd and the Whispering Mummy (Jerry Todd) by E.E. Lee; William—The Bold (Just William) by R. Crompton
Mystery: Fog by V. Williams; The Case of the Spurious Spinster by E. Gardner; Best Detective Stories of Cyril Hare; The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes by A.C. Doyle
Western: The Searchers by A. Le May; Riders of the Purple Sage by Z. Grey; Destry Rides Again by M. Brand; A Dynasty of Western Outlaws by P. I. Wellman
Romance: Up at the Villa by S. Maugham; Love Stories of India by E. Marshall; The Sixth of June by L. Shapiro; Earth and High Heaven by G. Graham
Military: Brave Men by E. Pyle; The Ship by C.S. Forester; The High White Forest by R. Allen; Old Soldiers Never Die by F. Richards
Try these or make up your own list of your favorites for a special person on your holiday list.
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