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Robert Burns (1759-1796), Scottish poet and lyricist, was born on January 25. On that day, “Burns suppers” are held throughout the world. In Canada, we refer to the special day as “Robbie Burns Day”, and celebrations typically feature a supper of haggis, neeps and tatties. His poem, “Address to the Haggis” is usually recited before the meal.
Burns is credited with bringing the words and song of “Auld Lang Syne” to countries around the world on New Year’s Eve, or Hogmanay, as it is known in Scotland, each year. The song has roots in an old Scottish ballad about a disappointed lover and a popular dance tune that evoked a country wedding. Robert Burns transformed the old song in 1788, but it was not printed until 1796 just after his death.
Robert Burns is known as the national poet of Scotland. As well as writing original compositions of poetry and verse, he also collected folk songs, often revising and adapting them. Here at Faded Page, we have the five-part Immortal Memory series by James William Barke on the life and loves of Robert Burns beginning with The Wind that Shakes the Barley. This is followed in sequence by The Song in the Green Thorn Tree, The Wonder of All the Gay World, The Crest of the Broken Wave and The Well of the Silent Harp.
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