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Fleurs sauvages

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Book Details

Title:Fleurs sauvages
Valois, Léonise  Writing under the pseudonym: Atala   
Published:   1910
Publisher:Librairie Beauchemin Limitée
Tags:fiction, poetry, québécois
Description:[No description available. Suggest one here.]
Pages:100 Info

Author Bio for Valois, Léonise

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Léonise Valois (1868-1936) was a French-Canadian journalist and poet. Born into a prosperous Montreal family, she was fortunate to receive a good education. Her father was a doctor and Léonise helped him with office work and accounting. During this time she started writing poetry and began publishing pieces as early as 1882. Unfortunately her father died in 1898 and she needed to find work to support her family. She found work as a journalist working on the women's page of a local paper. This gave her experience at editing and she continued to write, contributing a regular column, "Au coin du feu", for which she used the pen-name "Atala". The job was poorly paid and eventually she gained work at the post office where she worked until retirement in 1929. In 1910 she published a collection of her poetry, Fleurs sauvages. This was significant in that it was the first time a book was published for work solely from a French-Canadian woman. She suffered a serious accident in 1931 which curtailed her activities but still she published a second book of poetry, Feuilles tombées, in 1935. (Dictionnaire biographique du Canada)

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